

It's the pivotal fourth novel in the seven-part tale of Harry Potter's training as a wizard and his coming of age. Harry wants to get away from the pernicious Dursleys and go to the International Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and the Weasleys. He wants to dream about Cho Chang, his crush (and maybe do more than dream). He wants to find out about the mysterious event that's supposed to take place at Hogwarts this year, an event involving two other rival schools of magic, and a competition that hasn't happened for a hundred years. He wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old wizard. Unfortunately for Harry Potter, he's not normal — even by wizarding standards. 
And in his case, different can be deadly.


Customer Reviews

Reviewer: A reader

I had read the first 3 novels In the Harry Potter series and had found them extremely enjoyable page turners, Rowling creates a complete, magical world and her characters are always perfectly developed: You cheer when Harry stands up to Snape, You scowl inside when Malfoy turns up and you feel safe and secure when Dumbledore's around. But quite simply, the extrodinary and sensational "Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire" leaves the previous books In the dust. From the opening chapter you realise this Isn't going to be your average Harry Potter book, a character suspected of murder Is himself murdered at the hands of Lord Voldemort. I had always felt a Harry potter novel didn't get exciting until the story reached Hogwarts, this time Harry, Ron and Hermione travel to see a Qudditch World Cup which doesen't leave you dosing off waiting for the Hogwarts Express. But from then on the pace becomes consistently quicker, Harry's name Is put In a "Goblet Of Fire" which chooses contestants for a tournament involving other schools of witchcraft and wizardry. Harry is helped throughout the tournament by a new teacher "Mad Eye Moody" someone who you begin to trust throughout the story. Harry makes his way through the tournament tasks and unexpectactly finds himself face to face with Lord Voldemort, resulting In the death of not a prominant, but significant character. By the end things have got so messy you can only cringe at the things which are no doubt to come. This Is by far the most compelling instalment In the series. I've read critics complain Rowling Is writing directly at a more adult audience, this Is definetely not the case;

For a start, Rowling already holds a huge adult audience with these books, parents enjoy them just as much as their children, also (like Harry himself) Rowling's prime audience of 8 to 12 year olds are growing up as well, I think It's fitting that children can grow up with these stories as they themselves become more mature. Although for especially young children of anyone under seven, parents should defineteley read along, the last hundred or so pages can be frightning and sometimes shocking. And as Dumbledore explains the stories events to Harry (and readers) Rowling has you flipping back hundreds of pages to realise just how intricately intwined the plot really Is. Simply an amazing read from cover to cover, "The Goblet Of Fire" Is to the previous Instalments what "The Empire Strikes Back" was to "Star Wars", It gives the series deeper meaning and makes an already enjoying tale Into something better than you thought It could be.

Reviewer: Timothy J. Henderson (San Diego, CA USA) 

I found "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" to be just as exciting and entertaining as the previous books, if not more so. Rowlings is a great storyteller, and all her familiar trademarks are here: the colorful and eccentric characters, the humor, the playful use of words, the masterful cultivation of suspense. The book is over seven hundred pages long, but at the end you'll be wishing it were longer. There isn't a slow spot in it.

The story is, however, different in some ways from the previous ones. It's a lot darker and scarier, for one thing. Voldemort and his supporters play a prominent role in it, and their malice forms a palpable undercurrent in the plot from chapter one on. By the end of the story, you get to see just HOW evil Voldemort and his minions actually are. And let me tell you, they're pretty evil. 

The other big difference is that Harry, Ron, Hermione and their friends are starting to grow up. The boys and girls have begun to notice each other now, and all the familiar problems of adolescence--jealousy, insecurity, fear of rejection, desire to fit in--or stand out--are starting to descend on them. I enjoy seeing the characters evolve in this way, but those who would rather they stay eternal 11-year-olds may be disappointed.

The story is not as self-contained as those in the previous books. Many plot lines are left open at the end, presumably to be resolved in books #5, 6, and 7. If you think you had a hard time waiting for "Goblet of Fire" to come out, wait till you finish it and are left thinking about the next one!

All in all, I highly recommend this book. If you're already a Harry Potter fan you won't be disappointed, and if you're not, reading it might very well make you one.


Joanne K. Rowling, geboren 1965, hatte schon als Kind den Wunsch, Schriftstellerin zu werden. 1983 studierte sie Französisch und Altphilologie. Während einer Zugfahrt erfand sie 1990 die Romanfigur Harry Potter.

1991 ging Rowling nach Portugal. In dieser Zeit arbeitete sie viel am ersten ihrer geplanten sieben Harry-Potter-Bücher. 1992 Heirat, die Ehe währte jedoch nur kurz - 1993 Geburt der Tochter Jessica.

Rowling ging nach Großbritannien zurück. Als allein erziehende Mutter lebte sie zunächst von Sozialhilfe. 1997 wurde "Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen" veröffentlicht. Nur drei Tage danach ersteigerte der US-Verlag Scholastic überraschend die amerikanischen Rechte.

2000 verkaufte Rowling alle Vermarktungsrechte einschließlich der Filmrechte, behielt jedoch die Verlagsrechte sowie ein Mitspracherecht bei den Filmen.

2001 heiratete Rowling den Arzt Neil Murray mit dem sie 2 Kinder hat.

Bis heute wurden ihre Harry-Potter-Romane in mehr als 60 Sprachen übersetzt.




The Riddle House
The Scar
The Invitation
Back to the burrow
Weasleys'Wizard Wheezes
The Prtkey
Bagman and Crouch
The Quidditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
Mayhem at the Ministry








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